Lets go for a sail
June 14, 2017
Coast guard helicopter rescue
I'm always grateful to the coast guard women and men who are ready to help when things go wrong at sea and here's a little time lapse of a…
June 13, 2017
A simply dreamy Video from our wedding shoot
@somethingblueweddings video on Vimeo here@bluenoteweddingssailing
May 31, 2017
Saildrone siting on the bay
We saw a curious thing out there on the bay and I had to google it of course... read the wired article here if you're also a geek for amazing new…
May 28, 2017
Interviewed on YouTube by Sailorama
Sailorama is traveling the world by boat and it was great to get to know them while they passed through here recently. I highly recommend…
May 27, 2017
Visiting Sausalito? Read this guide by Maria Finn
http://www.sfchronicle.com/travel/article/Sausalito-by-land-and-sea-11156650.php#photo-12865464My friend and colleague, Maria Finn, nailed it with…