Lets go for a sail

  • May 10, 2013

    I love this town- full of men and women who built and are still building these beautiful things!

    Boatbuilding in Sausalito is alive and well- here's the proof, and it's lovely to behold. I feel lucky to be surrounded by people with such…

  • May 10, 2013


    I love this shot Dani got of my son in his most prized possession- his inflatable kayak. It didn't exactly fit with the theme of wooden boats at…

  • April 27, 2013

    Alma Sail

    Sailing the Alma with captains Jason and Carter and first mate Alice, I learned a lot about how these traditional scow schooners work. I highly…

  • April 14, 2013

    White porpoise siting!

    Look really, really closely at that white dot- nobody will believe this but yesterday we saw a white porpoise with a grey fin- that's him there, as…

  • April 14, 2013

    Close encounter with Oracle 72!

    Sailing Captain Kirk's Bay Wolf on the Bay, we had a close encounter with the Oracle 72 fully hydroplaning... what a thrill! Come sailing with me…